August 12, 2013

Understanding ROI

ROI, or Return on Investment, is a very common analysis technique for determining what the percentage return on an investment will be.  ROIs are commonly used by business practitioners and […]
August 19, 2013
Organic Search

Organic Search Results

What is an organic search? Surely you’ve heard this term before, but might still be unsure as to what it means.  According to, “An organic search is a term […]
August 15, 2013
PPC Advertising

PPC Advertising Explained

Pay-Per-Click advertising, or PPC for short, seems to be all the rage nowadays. PPC is everywhere, but what is it? According to, “PPC advertisements generate revenue for Web publishers […]
March 17, 2014
good photography

Show it… to Sell it…

In a recent post, The Art of Delivering Style, Maria Haggerty says, ” photography plays a critical role in e-commerce success. When it’s done well, professional e-commerce photography delivers product images that […]
June 11, 2015
8 Step Marketing Plan infographic

How to Write an Eight-Step Marketing Plan

Interested in learning how to write an effective marketing plan for your business? There are eight easy and essential steps! The eight steps include: identifying your target market, creating a SWOT […]
March 9, 2016
shoppers love receiving and reading catalogs

Can Catalogs Be Replaced With Only Internet Marketing?

In a recent post, Jim Coogan, the founder and president of Catalog Marketing Economics, posed a question certainly on the minds of most millenial marketing mavens, “Can catalogs be replaced with only […]
May 31, 2016
My Intro to Buyers Personas Picture

My Intro to Buyers Personas

I hear the term “marketing” all the time. As a business, you don’t always step back and take a look at what kind of marketing your business is conducting. Many […]