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Contrary to what you may think, Pinterest isn’t just for bloggers and DIY enthusiasts. In fact, many Brands are using the social media platform to connect with their audience through shared interests; inspiring them in a personal, authentic way. In addition to promoting the content that you create, Pinterest provides increases in traffic and better visual brand recognition.
The visual bookmarking tool allows companies to better understand and engage with their audience in many new ways. If you are still unsure about whether or not your brand should utilize Pinterest, consider these five companies who are stepping up their brand awareness through their Pinterest accounts.

Caribou Coffee
Aside from inspiring their customers with the latest caffeinated trends, Caribou uses Pinterest to learn more about their audience and what they are passionate about.

Petplan Pet Insurance
Seeking to connect with followers who are interested in animal welfare, Petplan is differentiating themselves from their competitors by aiming to grow as thought-leaders and innovators in the industry. Inspiring their audience by proving to be an organization that is passionate about pet health.

Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
What better way to bring a luxurious lifestyle to your guests than the very platform that many use to discover and save creative ideas? Four Seasons uses Pinterest to showcase travel, food, and luxury content to inspire their vacation-planning audience.

The Container Store
It was the pinners of Pinterest who convinced The Container Store to use the social media platform. After discovering how many users were already pinning directly from their site, they decided it was the right move to make. Their customers love showing off their organized spaces and Pinterest provides another way for them to do that.

Reese’s stood out in its competitive landscape by utilizing Pinterest’s analytics to better understand their millennial audience. Promoting enticing recipes using their products during seasonal time periods to ultimately reach those planning menus for events was a huge success in their strategy.
Many of these brands and others have taken full advantage of Pinterest’s features. Getting in front of your audience via Promoted Pins, Pin it Button and more has never been easier.
A picture is worth a thousand words – and a Pinterest Board filled with interesting and engaging images may be worth 1000 times the effort you put into building, cultivating and maintaining this new and important part of your VISUAL marketing efforts.
Ready to start pinning? Contact us today to learn how you can use Pinterest and Social Media to grow the conversation with your customers.